I'm really excited to share my very first YouTube video on my blog! The video walks you through step by step on how to make your own scribble art! I absolutely love statement art in my home. When we moved to Denver I searched high and low to try to find big pieces of art that wouldn't break the bank. My taste changes every 3-5 years so I found it hard to pull the trigger on expensive art. I decided to make it myself! If you follow me on Instagram you've probably seen the large piece I made a couple weeks ago.

I wanted something BIG and BOLD to fill a wall and make a statement when you first walk in. The second project I outlined in my YouTube video is smaller and more subtle but generally the same idea. The canvases are from Michael's and are currently 70% off! I hope this video inspires you. Please reach out with any questions you have!
always, abby
Love your style!